Sunday, July 17, 2011

miss travel

unlike most people, i have a best friend. her name is britten marie duerden and she will always be my best friend. in exactly 6 days [ahhh! its coming so fast!] i will be flying all by my lonesome to utah to stay with her for three weeks. i am stoked beyond comprehension! we have such great times together and i am soooooo excited to create more! i love feeling individual as i board the plane! 
me & britt (:

i think this is the prettiest picture of britten ever ! 
she disagrees but its really aMaZiNg (:
destination: morgan, utah.
goodbye california, hello utah!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

just what i need

i just finished girls camp and it was sooooo AMAZING ! i will admit, i was NOT excited to go at all but it turned out just how i would have wished it ! i met so many new friends and had moments i will never forget ! {go eat a chipmunk !}

this year i decided to bring my night vision goggles & let me tell you, they were great! haha! we used them to fend off the predators and came off conquerer to the ninjas of the night! ~i love mahh level threeeees~

mari & me. enough said !

we are sisters for lifeeee and will ALWAYS be friends! we spent basically the entire time together and had some very mEmOrAbLe moments <3

finally i realized girls camp was just what i needed in my summer of sorts!
i love you long beach east youth !