Monday, November 25, 2013

monday thoughts

Hello all. My life is coming back together. Thank goodness. I had a hard week last week and had a bit of a meltdown. You know when you just feel entirely alone? Yeah that truly is the worst. But luckily life is being nice to me again. I only have one more day until thanksgiving break! YES. Hopefully I don't spend all of my break on college apps. But I just might have to do that. oops. Well we will chat more soon & just for the record, 1 month exactly until Christmas! yesssss.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


I'm confused about why I don't have more friends. I'm confused about why boys don't like me. I'm confused about why I lay in bed and cry sometimes. I'm confused about why my best friend lives 600 miles away. I'm confused about why I have never even had a real kiss. I'm confused about where to go to college. I'm confused about why sometimes I do things that I hate myself for. I'm confused about why I get anger inside of me. I'm confused.