Thursday, December 20, 2012

do you want good or bad, first ?

Today, somebody stole my ceramics cup. You might think that is no big deal. But it is. As I looked frantically around the room hoping that i might have misplaced it I began to cry. Tears of sadness, tears of anger and finally tears of pity for those who have no sense of right or wrong. It hurts my heart that people are so careless. It hurts my heart that people have no morals. But most of all it hurts my heart that something I worked so hard on and truly created is gone. I was planning on giving that cup to Keith for Christmas and as I reached in to my cubby and didn't find it, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold back the tears. I want it back. And I want people to understand that each work of art is deeply connected to its creator. Its a special bond that is not quickly forgotten. Don't read this and think it's cheesy because I mean what I say. It hurts my heart that my cup is gone.

Now that my feelings have been released, I can tell you about a more exciting thing. Christmas is in 5 days! Crazy right? I just can't wait! Today was our final day of school before the winter break and I am so happy. It's like a huge weight is lifted off my shoulders. I have been really stressed lately and cannot wait to just relax. Also, my family is doing something new this year as part of Christmas. We are giving secret santa gifts to a family. They need a boost in their spirit this Christmas season so we decided to buy them lots of gifts so they will know they are loved and appreciated. As we began planning this I began to think less of myself and more of others and that was very rewarding. It felt good to look around in stores and rather than thinking "what can i get myself?" i was thinking "hmmm..would they like this?". I hope they love what they get!

Alright. Its time for a shoutout. This goes out to my brother Christian Scott Bandley. Because, today he is 19! Happy birthday brother! He is the best older brother that I could ever ask for. Although we are at each other's throats often, we truly have a great relationship. I hope that this year is his best and that he learns and grows as he sends in his mission papers. Happy birthday Chris I love you to the moon and back! 


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